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Seminars and workshops

Seminar - Mindfulness and joy for every day

We live in a hectic society where “fast” and “busy” are very common. How can we keep our head cool and our heart warm? Mindfulness helps you in a simple way to deal with the bustle and the stress of life. To live life fully every moment.

The following topics are covered

Seminar - Mindfulness at work

We spend much of our lives in the workplace, a place that brings with it many challenges. A high workload and stress are often the cause of burnout or other stress-related complaints. Mindfulness offers a solution to help you strengthen resilience at work, so you can live your potential to the fullest.

The following topics are covered

Seminar - Self-compassion in the storms of your life

Everyone has setbacks in life. In such situations you may experience feelings of anger, shame or powerlessness. Or maybe you have had challenges on your path that made you feel that it is just too much, even though you have meditated for years. Maybe you can’t find your trusty anchor, the breath anymore … How do you find support and how can you regain your strength?

The following topics are covered

Seminar - Mindful parenting

Having children is a great gift but often a big challenge as well. We are not given a manual at the birth of a child, so have to learn through our own inner wisdom, the support of the people around us and by trial and error. Mindfulness can also help. Mindful parenting is an invitation to listen without judgment from the heart. It is a process of growth in inner strength, patience and perseverance for the parent and also the children.

The following topics are covered

Seminar - Mindfulness in your relationship

How can mindfulness help you to bring more intimacy, love and closeness in your relationship? How can the beginner’s mind and an open heart revive your relationship? How can you deal with difficult moments of tension or disharmony? With passion, specific examples and practical tips this lecture will help you on your way to more balance and deep connection with your partner.

The following topics are covered