Books about mindfulness and self-compassion
David wrote 15 books on mindfulness and self-compassion. Also books for teenagers and children.
For everyone
Books about general things like balance in your life, mindfulness in your relationship, accepting yourself and many more interesting topics.
For kids & teens
Specifically written for kids and teens about subjects like coping with examn stress and mindfulness for your kids.
For professionals
Books about mindfulness with stress, burn-out and depression but also about self-compassion in training and therapy.
Audio & Webshop
Series of mindfulness and self-compassion meditations. Also for your kids and teens.
In French
Books written in or translated to French.
In German
Books written in or translated to German.

Seminars and workshops
You can book David Dewulf for 5 different lectures.
Mindfulness and happiness for every day
We live in a hectic society where “fast” and “busy” are very common. How can we keep our head cool and our heart warm?
Mindfulness at work
We spend much of our lives in the workplace, a place that brings with it many challenges.
Self-compassion in the storms of your life
Everyone has setbacks in life. In such situations you may experience feelings of anger, shame or powerlessness.
Mindful parenting
Having children is a great gift but often a big challenge as well.
Mindfulness in your relationship
How can mindfulness help you to bring more intimacy, love and closeness in your relationship?
TEDx Talk
In the spotlight
Living happily and powerfully in the now-moment
This book forms the basis of the proven effective 8-week program. Mindfulness helps you to live your life happier, to develop a clear focus, strengthen your emotional intelligence, prevent dips, communicate better and much more … In a unique way, mindfulness is interwoven with key elements of positive and cognitive psychology and mind / body medicine.

Reborn in the Flemish Ardennes
From the summer of 2022, we would like to welcome you to our B&B to resource, bike, walk, and find true rest
The Institute for Attention & Mindfulness
I AM is a non-profit organisation with the goal to build up the resilience of people and to live a happier life. We already have enrolled more than 15,000 people in different mindfulness courses.